Before starting the java program you have to know about JDK, JRE, and JVM.

Difference between Java JDK JRE and JVM

Here you will understand the key differences between Java JDK JRE and JVM.

Java JDK JRE and JVM

JDK JRE and JVM all provide an environment to run or execute a java program in your system or machine. Let’s understand these all one by one.

What is JVM

JVM stands for Java Virtual Machine. it is an abstract machine that enables your computer to run Java program. JVM executes the Java bytecode stored in the class file.

What is JRE

JRE stands for Java Runtime Environment. it contains Libraries and other components to run the application means JRE provides runtime Environment to execute the java program.

What is JDK

JDK stands for Java Development Kit. it contains java runtime environment(JRE) and other development tools such as compilers, interpreters, etc.