Java is an object-oriented programming language so you can create the java class and object to divide problems into smaller sets.

Java Classes and Objects with Examples

Java Class

A class is a blueprint of the object. In general, you can say that class is a collection of objects which have many common characteristics. A Java class can have fields, methods, and constructors, etc.

Creation of Java class

you can easily create a class in java by using the class keyword followed by class_name.

class class_name {
//fields or variables

Let’s see an example of the class-

class  Print{
String message="this is an example of the class";

In the above example, Print is a class name andmessage is the name of the variable.

Java Object

An object is an instance of a class and to access the members of the class, an object is needed to create. an object is a runtime entity and it has two characteristics-

  • state
  • behavior

Accessing the Class Members

Let’s see the example to access the members of the class using objects.

class Print{  
String message="This is an instance variable"
public static void main(String[] args){
Print m=new Print();//creating an object
System.out.println(m.message);//accessing member

It will display the following results-

This is an instance variable