In the English language, there are 26 alphabets. these alphabets are the group of vowels and consonants. A, E, I, O and U are vowels and remaining are consonants.

here you will learn how to check whether a character is a vowel or consonant.

Program For Vowels And Consonants Using Switch Case

class ConsonantVowel{

public static void main(String[] args)


char ch = ‘b’;

switch (ch)


case ‘a’:

case ‘e’:

case ‘i’:

case ‘o’:

case ‘u’:

System.out.println(ch + ” is vowel”);



System.out.println(ch + ” is consonant”);


As you see in the above example, we took a character b to whether it is a vowel or consonant but after executing the program the output is-


b is consonant